Falcon's Eye Ro...
Aurora, CO 80013, USA...
Cochise County provides regional leadership and effective, high-quality services with personal and professional integrity. Located in the southeast corner of Arizona, Cochise County has natural beauty, world famous history, and a fascinating culture.The original County seat was in Tombstone but after the decline of silver mining in Tombstone, the county seat was moved to Bisbee in 1929. Bisbee has remained the county seat since that time.Original Industries: The three industries that put Cochise County on the map are copper, cattle and cotton. Agriculture continues to be an important industry in the county today, even with new-to-the-County agricultural ventures such as vineyards. Fort Huachuca has also played a major role in the development of the County and contributes substantially to the local economy.Location & Land: Cochise County, in the southeast corner of the State of Arizona, has a land mass of more than 4 million acres, or 6,219 square miles!Ownership of that land is roughly:Private land – 40%State land – 35%Federal (USFS & BLM) land – 22%Population: 130,537 (2011 estimate)
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